Editors: Professors Mersland and Strøm
As we celebrate 50 years of modern microfinance activities, the special issue aims to underscore how high-quality research continues to shape the landscape of financial inclusion and industry development. As such, we aim to encompass both critical and optimistic perspectives on related phenomena, their manifestations, and record. We encourage submissions covering a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from impact studies to pure banking research, and welcome all types of research methodologies. Furthermore, with this special issue we invite greater dialogue between alternative finance and microfinance researchers, both introducing the journal to researchers interested in microfinance, and at the same time presenting the breath of microfinance research to the readers of the journal.
More information here
Best wishes,
Roy Mersland
Professor/Director PhD program
Director Center for Research on Social Enterprises and Microfinance (CERSEM)
School of Business and Law
University of Agder