CERSEM research is published in different academic fields like Economics, Development, Management, Nonprofit, Accounting and Finance. CERSEM puts emphasis in disseminating research results. Therefore, in accordance with copyright agreements, CERSEM members make efforts to make full-text versions of papers available in pre-print and post-print versions at open access pages at the University of Agder and at Researchgate
The list of CERSEM publications is long and include high ranked journals like: Journal of Business Ethics, World Development, Journal of Development Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Banking and Finance and Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
List of publications:
Beisland, L. A., Zamore, S., & Mersland, R. (2022). Does It Pay to be Green? A Study of the Global Microfinance Industry. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. The full text is available here
Djan, K. O., & Mersland, R. (2022). Are NGOs and cooperatives similar or different? A global survey using microfinance data. Journal of Management and Governance, 26(2), 641-683. The full text is available here
Godfroid, C., Otiti, N., & Mersland, R. (2022). Employee tenure and staff performance: The case of a social enterprise. Journal of Business Research, 139, 457-467. The full text is available here
Nyarko, S. A. (2022). Gender discrimination and lending to women: The moderating effect of an international founder. International Business Review, 31(4), 101973. The full text is available here
Otiti, N., Godfroid, C., Mersland, R., & D’Espallier, B. (2022). Does it (Re) pay to be Female? Considering Gender in Microfinance Loan Officer-Client Pairs. The Journal of Development Studies, 58(2), 259-274. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A., Djan, K. O., Mersland, R., & Randøy, T. (2021). Measuring social performance in social enterprises: a global study of microfinance institutions. Journal of Business Ethics, 171(1), 51-71. The full text is available here
Gonzales, R., D’espallier, B., & Mersland, R. (2021). What Drives Profits in Savings Groups? Bayesian Data Mining Evidence from the SAVIX Database. Review of Development Finance, 11(2), 39-57. The full text is available here
Otiti, Naome; Andersson, Kjetil; Mersland, Roy (2021). “Is Employee-Client Matching Good for Firms Targeting the Bottom of the Pyramid? A Study of Microfinance Institutions.” International Journal of Development Issues. The full text is available here
Zamore, Stephen; Beisland, Leif Atle; Mersland, Roy (2021). “Excessive Focus on Risk? Non-performing Loans and Efficiency of Microfinance Institutions.” International Journal of Finance and Economics. The full text is available here
Gonzales Martinez, Rolando; D’Espallier, Bert; Mersland, Roy (2020). “Bifurcations in business profitability: An agent-based simulation of homophily in self-financing groups.” Journal of Business Research. The full text is available here
Malikov, Emir; Hartarska, Valentina; Mersland, Roy (2020). “Economies of diversification in microfinance: Evidence from quantile estimation on panel data.” Finance Research Letters.
Beisland, Leif Atle; Ohene Djan, Kwame; Mersland, Roy; Randøy, Trond (2020). “Measuring Social Performance in Social Enterprises: A Global Study of Microfinance Institutions.” Journal of Business Ethics. The full text is available here
Alon, Ilan; Mersland, Roy; Musteen, Martina; Randøy, Trond (2020). “The Research Frontier on Internationalization of Social Enterprises.” Journal of World Business. The full text is available here
Mersland, S., Nyarko, S., & Sirisena, A. (2020), “A Hybrid Approach to International Market Selection: The Case of Impact Investing Organizations”. International Business Review. The full text is available here
Beisland, L.A., D’Espallier, B. & Mersland, R., (2019), ” The commercialization of the microfinance industry: Is there a ‘personal mission drift’ among credit officers?”. Journal of Business Ethics. The full text is available here
Mersland, R., Beisland, L.A., & Pascal, D., (2019), “The Origin of Chief Executive Officers and Performance in Hybrid Businesses: The Case of Microfinance”. Journal of Small Business Management. The full text is available here
Zamore, S., Beisland, L.A., & Mersland, R. (2019), ”Geographic Diversification and Credit Risk in Microfinance”, Journal of Banking and Finance. The full text is available here
Mersland, S., Nyarko, S., & Szafarz, A. (2019), “Do social enterprises walk the talk? Assessing microfinance performances with mission statements”, Journal of Business Venturing Insights. The full text is available here
Beisland, L.A., Mersland, R. & Pascal, N. D. (2019), “Influence of ownership type and CEO power on residual loss: Evidence from the global microfinance industry”. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly. The full text is available here
Golesorkhi, S., Mersland, R., Piekkari, R., Pishchulov, G. & Randøy, T. (2019), “The Effect of Language Use on the Financial Performance of Microfinance Banks: Evidence from Cross-border Activities in 74 Countries”. Journal of World Business. The full text is available here
Golesorkhi, S., Mersland, R., Randøy, T. & Shenkar, O. (2019), “The Performance Impact of Culture and Formal Institutional Differences in Cross-Border Alliances: The case of the Microfinance Industry”.International Business Review . Vol. 28(1), pp. 104-118. The full text is available here
Pascal, N.D., Beisland,L.A., & Mersland,R., (2018). “Capital Structure and CEO Tenure in Microfinance Institutions”. Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance. Vol.27(4), pp.329-337. The full text is available here
Dato, M., Mersland, R. & Mori, N., (2018), “Board Committees and Performance in Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Ethiopia”. International Journal of Emerging Markets. The full text is available here
Beisland,L.A., Mersland, R., & Strom, Ø., (2018). “Use of Big Four Auditors and Fundraising: Evidence from Developing and Emerging Markets”. International Journal of Emerging Markets. Vol. 13, pp. 371-390. The full text is available here
Lensink, R., Mersland, R., Vu, N.T.H. & Zamore, S., (2018). “Do Microfinance Institutions Benefit from Integrating Financial and Nonfinancial Services?” Applied Economics. Vol. 50(23), pp. 2509-2524. The full text is available here
Beisland, L.A. & Mersland, R., (2017), “Exploring Microfinance Clients with Disabilities: A Case Study of an Ecuadorian Microbank”. Journal of Development Studies. The full text is available here
Pascal, D., Mersland, R., & Mori, N., (2017), “The influence of the CEO’s business education on the performance of hybrid organizations: The case of the global microfinance industry”. Small Business Economics. Vol. 49(2), pp. 339-354. The full text is available here
Djan, K. O.. & Mersland, R. (2017), “Does religious affiliation influence the design of corporate governance? Evidence from the global microfinance industry”. Strategic Change Journal. Vol. 26: 101-116. The full text is available here
D’Espallier, B., Goedecke; J., Hudon, M., & Mersland, R., (2017), “From NGOs to banks: Does institutional transformation alter the business model of microfinance institutions?” World Development. Vol. 89, pp. 19-33.The full text is available here
Mori Neema; Charles Goodluck (2017): Loan Repayment Performance In Informal Lending Institutions: Does Client Borrowing History Matter. International Journal of Development Issues Vol. 16 Issue: 3, pp.260-275, The full text is available here
Mori Neema; Towo Goodluck (2017): The Effect of Board Composition on Profitability of Tanzanian Banks. African Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 8 (2) 160 – 171. The full text is available here
Naegels, Vanessa, Mori, Neema & D’Espallier, Bert (2017). An institutional view on access to finance by Tanzania women owned enterprises. Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (VC-IJEF) . The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A., Mersland, R., & Zamore, S., (2016), “Field Report: Motivations for business start-up: are there any differences between disabled and non-disabled microfinance clients?”, Journal of International Development. Vol. 28(1), pp. 147-149. The full text is available here
Munisi, G.H. & Mersland, R. (2016), “Ownership, board compensation and company performance in sub-Saharan African countries”. Journal of Emerging Markets Finance. Vol. 15(2), pp. 1-34. The full text is available here
Labie, M., Méon, P-G., Mersland, R. & Szafarz, A., (2015), “Discrimination by microcredit officers: Theory and evidence of disability in Uganda”. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. Vol. 58(4), 44-55. The full text is available here
Randøy, T., Strøm, R. Ø., and Mersland, R., (2015), “The Impact of Entrepreneur-CEOs in Microfinance Institutions: A Global Survey”. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. Vol. 39(4), pp. 927-953. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A., Mersland, R. & Strøm R.Ø., (2015), ”Audit Quality and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry”. International Journal of Auditing. Vol. 19(3), 218-237. The full text is available here
Delgado, M.S., Hartarska, V., Parmeter, C. & Mersland, R., (2015), “Should all microfinance institutions mobilize microsavings? Evidence from economics of scope” Empirical Economics. Vol. 48(1), pp. 193-225. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A., Mersland, R., & Randøy, T., (2014), ”The Association between Microfinance Rating Scores and Corporate Governance: A Global Survey”. International Review of Financial Analysis. Vol. 35(5), pp. 268-280. The full text is available here
Hartarska, V., Mersland, R. & Nadolnyak, D., (2014), “Are Women Better Bankers to the Poor? Evidence from Rural Microfinance Institutions”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics . Vol. 96(5), pp. 1291-1306. The full text is available here
Strøm, R.Ø., D’Espallier, B. & Mersland, R. (2014), ”Female leadership, performance and governance in microfinance institutions,” Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 42(C), pp. 60-75. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R., (2014), “Staff characteristics and the exclusion of persons with disabilities: evidence from the microfinance industry in Uganda”. Disability and Society. Vol. 29(7), pp. 1061-1075. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R., (2014), “Earnings Quality in Non-Profit versus For-Profit Organizations: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry”. Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Vol. 43(4), pp. 652-671. The full text is available here
Mori, N. & Mersland, R. (2014), “Boards in Microfinance Organizations: Do Stakeholders Matter?” Journal of Management and Governance. Vol. 18(1), pp. 285-313. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R., (2014), “Income Characteristics and the Use of Microfinance Services: Evidence from Economically Active Disabled Persons”, Disability and Society. Vol. 29(3), pp. 417-430. The full text is available here
Book chapters:
Beisland, L. A., Mersland, R., & Randøy, T., (2014), “Transparency and disclosure in the global microfinance industry: Implications for practice and policy makers”, In Forssbaeck and Oxelheim (Ed), The Oxford Handbook of Political, Institutional and Corporate Transparency. Oxford University Press, New York, USA. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R., (2014), “Microfinance & Disability: Recommendations for policymakers and practitioners”, In Heymann, J., M.A. Stein and G. Moreno (Eds.), Disability and Equity at Work, Oxford University Press. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R.Ø., (2014), “Microfinance financial and social performance: an introduction” in Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2014), (ed), “Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance”, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R.Ø., (2014), “Measuring microfinance performance” in Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2014), (ed), “Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance”, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2014), (ed), “Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance“, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A., Mersland, R. & Randøy, T., (2014), “Earnings Quality and Regulation: Evidence from the Microfinance Industry” in Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2014), (ed), “Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance”, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire, UK. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. (2013), “Market opportunities for Microfinance Institutions”. Enterprise Development & Microfinance. Vol. 24(4), pp. 282-294. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. (2013), “Guest Editorial: Research trends in Microfinance from the Third European Research Conference on Microfinance.” Enterprise Development and Microfinance. Vol. 24(4), pp. 273-274. The full text is available here
D’Espallier, B., Guerin, I. & Mersland, R., (2013), ”Focus on women in microfinance institutions”, Journal of Development Studies. Vol. 49(5), pp. 589-608. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Thøgersen, J. (2013), “Stimulating economic growth in the least developed countries: Direct cash transfers for the retired via mobile phones,” Journal of Economic Policy Reform. Vol. 16(3), pp. 259-271. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. , D’Espallier, B. & Supphellen, M. (2013),”The effect of religion on development efforts: Evidence from the microfinance industry and a research agenda. World Development. Vol. 41(1), pp. 145-156. The full text is available here
Hartarska, V., Mersland, R., Nadolnyak, D., & Parmeter, C., (2013), “Governance and Scope Economies in Microfinance Institutions”. International Journal of Corporate Governance. Vol. 4(1), pp. 74-96. The full text is available here
Hartarska, V., Shen, X. & Mersland, R., (2013),“ Scale Economies and Input Price Elasticities in Microfinance Institutions.” Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 37(1), pp. 118-131. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Urgeghe, L., (2013), “Performance and international investments in microfinance institutions”. Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance. Vol. 22 (1-2), pp. 17-29. The full text is available here
Book chapters:
Mersland, R., de la Huerta, C. & Pascal, D., (2013), “From the inside of a PhD Program in International Management”, in Holbæk, Kristiansen and Randøy (Ed), Management for progress: The manifold academician – Essays in honor of Harald Knudsen. Novus Forlag, Oslo, Norway. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R. (2013), “Earnings Quality in the Microfinance Industry,” In Gueyie J.P., Manos R. & Yaron J., “Microfinance in developing countries: Issues, policies and performance evaluations”. Palgrave Macmillan, USA/UK. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2013), ”Microfinance Costs, Lending Rates and Profitability”, In Caprio G. (Ed), Handbook of Key Global Financial Markets, Institutions, and Infrastructure. Elsevier, Oxford, UK. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R. (2012), “Do microfinance rating assessments make sense? – An analysis of the drivers of MFI ratings”, Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Vol. 41(2), pp. 213-231. The full text is available here
Galema, R., Lensink, R. & Mersland, R., (2012),“Do Powerful CEOs have an impact on Microfinance Performance?” Journal of Management Studies. Vol. 49(4), pp. 718-742. The full text is available here
Hartarska, V. & Mersland, R. (2012), “Which Governance Mechanisms Promote Efficiency in Reaching Poor Clients?” Evidence from Rated Microfinance Institutions”, European Financial Management. Vol. 18(2), pp. 218-239. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R., (2012), ”The use of microfinance services among economically active disabled people – evidence from Uganda”, Journal of International Development. Vol. 24 (S), pp. 69-83. The full text is available here
Beisland, L. A. & Mersland, R. (2012), “Barriers to microfinance for disabled persons: Evidence from economically active persons in Uganda “, Enterprise Development & Microfinance. Vol. 23(1), pp. 11-24. The full text is available here
Book chapters:
Galema, R., Lensink, R. & Mersland, R., (2012), “Governance and Microfinance Institutions,” In Barth J.R., Lin C. & Wihlborg C. (Ed), Research handbook on International Banking and Governance. Edward Elgar, UK. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2012), ”The Past and Future of Microfinance Innovations”, In Cumming D. (Ed), The Oxford Handbook of Entrepreneurial Finance. Oxford University Press , New York. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. (2012), «Økonomi og forvaltning i kristne bistandsorganisasjoner illustrert med data fra mikrofinansbransjen», I Jøssang A. & Øyhus A.O., Religionens Rolle i Bistand og Utvikling. Portal Forlag, Kristiansand, Norway.
D’Espallier, B., Guerin, I. & Mersland, R. (2011), “Women and repayment in microfinance”, World Development. Vol. 39(5), pp. 758-772. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. (2011), “The Governance of Non-Profit Micro Finance Institutions: Lessons From History”, Journal of Management and Governance. Vol. 15(3), pp. 327-348. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. and Strøm, R. Ø., (2011), Mikrofinans: Fra helt til kjeltring? Magma. 0511, pp. 63-73. The full text is available here
Mersland, R., Randøy, T. and Strøm, R. Ø. (2011), “The Impact of International Influence on Microbanks Performance: A Global Survey”, International Business Review. Vol. 20(2), pp. 163-176. The full text is available here
Book chapters:
Labie, M. & Mersland, R. (2011), “Corporate Governance Challenges in Microfinance”. In Armendariz B. & Labie, M. (Eds.) The Handbook of Microfinance. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2010), “Microfinance Mission Drift?”, World Development. Vol. 38(1), pp. 28-36. The full text is available here
Book chapters:
Martinelli, E & Mersland, R. (2010), “Microfinance for People with Disabilities”, In Barron T. & Ncube J.M. (Ed). Poverty and Disability. Leonard Cheshire Disability. London, UK. ISBN 978-1-905990-48-1. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. (2009), “The Cost of Ownership in Micro-Finance Organizations”, World Development. Vol. 37(2), pp. 469-478. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2009), ”Performance and Governance in Microfinance Institutions”, Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 33(4), pp. 662-669. The full text is available here
Bwire, N. F., Mukasa, G. & Mersland, R. (2009), “Access to Mainstream Microfinance Services for Persons with Disabilities – Lessons Learned from Uganda”, Disability Studies Quarterly. Vol. 29(1). The full text is available here
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2008), “Performance and trade-offs in microfinance organizations – does ownership matter?” Journal of International Development, Vol. 20(4), pp. 598-612. The full text is available here
Book chapters:
Mersland, R. & Strøm, R. Ø. (2008), ”Myths in Microfinance”, In Feldman M & Santangelo G. (Ed). Elsevier Progress in International Business Research (PIBR) series. Emerald. Bingley, UK. The full text is available here
Mersland, R. (2007), “Innovations in Savings and Credit Groups – Evidence from Kenya”, Small Enterprise Development: An International Journal, Vol. 18(1), pp. 50-56. The full text is available here